CureBlindness | High Volume Cataract Outreach in Ethiopia
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High Volume Cataract Outreach in Ethiopia

news | Apr 06, 2018

Outreach at Bisidimo Hospital in Eastern Ethiopia Results in 911 Sight Restoring Surgeries

In just six days time, from March 29 to April 4, an amazing team comprised of HCP Affiliated Ophthalmologists and volunteers and a host of in-country personnel performed and assisted in a total of 911 sight restoring cataract surgeries. HCP partner Dr. Mandefro Sintayehu and a team from Bisidimo Hospital were joined by Dr. Helen Sisay and a team from Jimma University; Dr. Abraham Aregay and a team from Woldiya; HCP Board Member, Dr. Matt Oliva and his family; and HCP International Fellow, Dr. Neda Nikpoor.

During this outreach HCP Ethiopia Representative Dr. Liknaw Adamu and Dr. Matt Olivacounted a total of 92 bilaterally blind patients, highlighting the need to continue to strengthen in-country infrastructure, reach the unreached, and train more personnel in this region in order to reduce the backlog of cataract blindness in Ethiopia.

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